Topic: Ministry

Virtual Realities and Essential Ministries: What Makes a Congregation?

In this month of exploring “thresholds,” our state has begun the process of moving from “stay at home” orders to gradually “reopening.” What does this mean for houses of worship? The UUA has recommended that congregations offer vitual ministry until May of 2021. What informs this recommendation? How should we respond? And, as we consider … Continue reading Virtual Realities and Essential Ministries: What Makes a Congregation?

“There is a Love Holding Us”: Celebrating Pastoral Ministry

Many join and commit to a congregation “for community.” Whether we think about it at the time, we often seek community so that we do not live through our joys, transitions, sorrows and fears alone. This service will reflect on how we companion one another through the peaks and valleys of life. It will also … Continue reading “There is a Love Holding Us”: Celebrating Pastoral Ministry