Topic: Justice

“Limitation is the Place We Connect”: Disability Justice

As we begin a month centered on Pluralism, this service will explore the disability justice movement, the needs of disabled people and the ways in which inclusion of disabled people serves…anyone and everyone with a body. How can we reimagine expectations of our physical selves and the world bodies have to navigate? Click here for: Order … Continue reading “Limitation is the Place We Connect”: Disability Justice

Yearning to Breathe Free

Like a number of other cities in Massachusetts, Woburn has become home for many immigrants, newly arriving from Haiti. As part of our long-standing commitment to refugee settlement, our congregation has played a role in supporting our newest neighbors. In this service, we will hear from leaders from Social Capital Incorporated, an organization that has … Continue reading Yearning to Breathe Free

How Resistance Works

Cornell West reminds us that “justice is what love looks like in public.” As we continue to explore “liberating love,” this service will draw from Jason Stanley’s “How Fascism Works” and Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny” to consider what a public love, countering authoritarianism, looks like. Click here for: Sunday Worship Livestream Click here for: Order Of Service … Continue reading How Resistance Works

A Restorative Path Towards Justice

We begin a month centered on “Liberating Love” by exploring restorative Justice. Restorative Justice is a practice drawn from indigenous cultures, made part of mainstream society through the work of pacifist Christian leaders in the 1970’s and 80’s. In advance of discussing Rabbi Dayna Ruttenberg’s On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, … Continue reading A Restorative Path Towards Justice

Whose Laws and What Order? Police, BLM and Us

Link for Sunday Worship: The use of police force against African Americans and other marginalized communities is one of the many catalysts to rising civil unrest, seemingly a conflict between efforts to “defund the police” and “back the blue.” Yet, like many social struggles, things are not quite this simple. This service will explore … Continue reading Whose Laws and What Order? Police, BLM and Us

Whose Earth is it Anyway?: Environmental Justice

There is a great need for movements seeking justice – economic justice, racial justice and ecological justice. Environmental Justice invites us to see how human rights and the state of the environment are connected. Inspired by the UUA common read Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and the … Continue reading Whose Earth is it Anyway?: Environmental Justice