Topic: Gratitude

Wild and Precious

We have an annual tradition of inviting people from three generations to answer Mary Oliver’s question “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Celebrate the new year by hearing their thoughtful reflections. This Sunday, we share our gifts with the Beyond Bond and Legal Defense Fund, whose mission … Continue reading Wild and Precious

Honorable Harvesters

Drawing on the wisdom of communities native to this land, this service explores “the honorable harvest” – asking permission of the earth, taking only what we need and giving something in return. In anticipation of Thanksgiving, we will also give thanks for many blessings by welcoming new members into the community and exploring “The Thanksgiving … Continue reading Honorable Harvesters

My Gratitude for Unitarianism

The foundation for being generous “is being aware of and grateful for all we have received, all we have now, and all we will encounter every day.” –Unitarian Universalist author Mark Ewert