Topic: Flower Communion

100 Years of Delight: The Flower Ceremony

For 100 years, Unitarians and UUs have celebrated the Flower Ceremony, a ritual of bringing, blessing and sharing flowers as an embodied way to celebrate the beauty of diversity and unity. This service will include this ritual…so bring a flower! Cultivated, dandilion or roadside will do… We will also celebrate Queer pride as another joyful … Continue reading 100 Years of Delight: The Flower Ceremony

The Transient and the Permanent: Flower Communion

Link for Sunday Worship: Generations ago, a Unitarian minister created a ritual celebrating the individuality of every person, the power of a number of individuals coming together and the beauty of each individual freely choosing to join the others. This is Flower Communion, a ritual whose meaning has only deepened in this year of national … Continue reading The Transient and the Permanent: Flower Communion

The Gospel of Flowers: Flower Communion

Link for Sunday Worship: Flower Communion is an annual ritual first created by Norbert Čapek so his congregation could celebrate their collective beauty, diversity and individuality. In this intergenerational service, we reflect on the lessons that Čapek and flowers themselves teach us about community in challenging times. Bring a flower when you log-on. You … Continue reading The Gospel of Flowers: Flower Communion

Branches, Blossoms and Leaves: A Flower Communion in Three Acts

Norbert Čapek created the Flower Communion ritual as a way to celebrate both the unity and diversity in community. In this concluding spring service, we will practice Flower Communion and also consider the bigger story it tells about the cycle of birth, blossoming and enduring found in all of life. We will also celebrate Alison … Continue reading Branches, Blossoms and Leaves: A Flower Communion in Three Acts