Topic: Animal Blessing

Blessing of the Animals

Everyday is a good day to honor our connection with animals! But many communities celebrate animals in October in honor of Francis of Assisi who made honoring the animals part of his ministry. This service will celebrate the animals of the world and the animals in our lives. This is an All Ages service and … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

Everyday is a good day to honor our connection with animals! But many communities celebrate animals in October in honor of Francis of Assisi who made honoring the animals part of his ministry. This service will celebrate the animals of the world and the animals in our lives. You are invited to bring your (vaccinated, … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals

Animal Blessing

Link for Sunday Worship: For many years we have gathered at summer’s end to bless – not the animals – but the relationship we have with them, domestic and wild. This year as shelters have emptied out during quarantines, and the company of animals sought, we not only bless our animal companions, but give … Continue reading Animal Blessing