Speaker: The Rev. Heather Janules

The Growing Edge: An Easter Service

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship The ancient Easter story of death and resurrection becomes new each year as understood through the stories of our lives. This Easter service will recall the Christian story of Jesus’s rebirth and will consider the themes of preparation, transition and renewal in our time. Log on wearing your Easter best! Fancy … Continue reading The Growing Edge: An Easter Service

Widening the Circle

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship People think of faith communities as institutions centered on ethereal concepts, such as spiritual beliefs and moral values. They are…and they also function in the everyday world as non-profit employers. A past hiring decision by the Unitarian Universalist Association sparked a multi-year process examining the gap between the UUA’s professed objectives … Continue reading Widening the Circle

Convicted of Unitarian Universalism

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship Is Heinrich Heine right when he states “People in…old times had convictions; we moderns only have opinions”? Many would say that faith communities are still centered on deeply-held convictions. This naturally leads to a curious question: If we were “convicted” of Unitarian Universalism, what would be the evidence? In this month … Continue reading Convicted of Unitarian Universalism

Half the Sky: Honoring International Women’s Day in the Era of COVID

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship It has been said that the current health crisis has had a greater impact on those already living at the margins. This is true in terms of gender roles. With so many “essential workers” – grocery store workers, nurses, teachers – keeping society going at their own risk, we cannot forget … Continue reading Half the Sky: Honoring International Women’s Day in the Era of COVID

Question Box Service

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship This Sunday will be a Question Box service: The questions, ponderings, curiosities and wonderings of the gathered community serve as the focus of the Second Reflection time. In our last Question Box service, questions ranged from “Do you believe in an afterlife?” to “Why did we remove the carpet in the … Continue reading Question Box Service


Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship “There cannot be unity without accountability” has been a recent and common cry. Unitarian Universalists, practicing a covenantal instead of a creedal faith, know a lot about the relationship between unity and accountability. This service will explore the paradox that the promises of community – connection, freedom and acceptance – are … Continue reading Accountammunity

The Greatest of These is Love

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship When we gather on Sunday morning, we gather on Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate…love! On this particular Valentine’s Day, we will hear from a number of leaders beyond the Winchester Unitarian Society about how WUS has earned their gratitude and affection. Through a series of “video valentines” this service will … Continue reading The Greatest of These is Love

Celebrate Christmas Eve with the Winchester Unitarian Society

December 24th, 7pm Log onto www.tinyurl.com/wusworship to attend via Zoom As people have done for generations, we will gather the night before Christmas to sing songs of Jesus’ birth and good tidings to all, to hear the accounts from ancient scripture, to light a candle in the dark and to turn our hearts towards hope. There will … Continue reading Celebrate Christmas Eve with the Winchester Unitarian Society

Eating All the Chocolate: An Advent Celebration

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship When you log on to worship, you will now see an icon reading “LIVE Otter ai.” This is a transcription application that provides text for any Zoom meeting, a good tool for those with impaired hearing or anyone seeking clarity about what is being broadcast. You can see a tutorial … Continue reading Eating All the Chocolate: An Advent Celebration