Speaker: The Rev. Heather Janules

Of Every Person: Dignity, Reconciliation and Yom Kippur

Sermon 9-24-17 “Of Every Person: Dignity, Reconciliation and Yom Kippur” September 24, 2017 The Rev. Heather Janules   It was a joyous occasion, the ordination of a colleague in the beautiful sanctuary of All Souls Church in Washington D.C. I was one of the witnessing clergy, sitting close to the chancel, in a pew reserved … Continue reading Of Every Person: Dignity, Reconciliation and Yom Kippur

Bearing Witness Beyond Borders: The New Sanctuary Movement

Sermon 9-17-17 “Bearing Witness Beyond Borders: The New Sanctuary Movement” September 17, 2017 The Rev. Heather Janules   “The priest laid his altar cloth and his chalice on the rock, and said mass among the prickly green plants, the canyon walls rising up behind him.” Journalist Margaret Regan recalls, “As he broke the Communion bread, … Continue reading Bearing Witness Beyond Borders: The New Sanctuary Movement