Speaker: Rev. Heather Janules

Easter Sunday

Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 4/9/23 Easter Link for Sunday Worship:  https://tinyurl.com/WUSlivestream New online visitors can fill out the virtual visitor card here: https://tinyurl.com/WUSVirVisCard

Educating for Liberation

What brings you to a congregation? The music? The sense of community? The potlucks? All of the above…or reasons you can’t quite identify? This service will explore the idea of a congregation as a place of life-long learning, not just learning information but learning about the world and our place within it, especially in regards … Continue reading Educating for Liberation

A Season of Reflection

Lent is a 40-day period when faithful Christians enter into a time of sacrifice and reflection to spiritually prepare for Easter. Some Unitarian Universalists participate in traditional Lent and some take part in a parallel time of awareness, reflection and sharing in community – #UULent. This service will invite us into collective engagement with #UULent, … Continue reading A Season of Reflection

The Geography of Generosity

It is the time of year when the congregation considers its financial commitments to our mission, also known as “the pledge drive.” But this service invites us to approach this annual time of commitment and recommitment from a slightly different perspective. What gifts do we have – including ,but not restricted to – financial resources … Continue reading The Geography of Generosity

The Crucible of Discomfort

We conclude the month focused on “finding our center” by reflecting on some moments when we don’t feel centered at all. Sometimes we have strong, negative reactions to people that, in the end, give us opportunities to grow. What can we learn from these experiences? This service will also include a celebration of the Neighboring … Continue reading The Crucible of Discomfort

Remembering and Letting Go

We will recognize the New Year through creating a symbolic time capsule for 2022 and taking part in a ritual to help us let go of what we want to leave behind to fully welcome 2023. Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 1/1/2023 Link for Sunday Worship:  https://tinyurl.com/WUSlivestream New online visitors can fill out the … Continue reading Remembering and Letting Go

Magic Everyday

In this month when we explore the theme of “wonder,” this service will explore the experience of wonder, of seemingly being in the presence of magic, and the bold proposition that we can have these experiences every day and every where. Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 12/4/2022 Link for Sunday Worship:  https://tinyurl.com/WUSlivestream New online … Continue reading Magic Everyday

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There: Advent and Contemplation

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the Christian season of spiritual preparation for Christmas. This annual time of anticipation can be a time of deep reflection, contrasting to the frenetic cultural energy and activity of “the holidays.” How can we find our way to quiet amid the busyness of December and the on-going … Continue reading Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There: Advent and Contemplation

A Basket of Blessings

As we approach Thanksgiving, this All Ages service will reflect on and celebrate our interdependence – with each other and with the natural world – and the gifts available to us at every moment. After worship, we will continue the celebration with an annual favorite tradition – Pie Sunday. Bring a pie to share…and bring … Continue reading A Basket of Blessings