“We Don’t Stand, We Move”: Revisiting the Principles

Lewis Fisher once observed that Universalists “are often asked to tell where they stand. The only true answer to give to this question is that we do not stand at all, we move.” The Unitarian Universalist Association bylaws require that member congregations and their delegates revisit Article II – the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism – every so often. This interactive service invites you into the conversation taking place within Unitarian Universalism. Do the current Principles and Sources best articulate our values and spiritual inspirations? Or does our language describing the values that hold us together need to move to reflect how we have changed over time?

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to a shared GoogleDoc via this link:


Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 11/13/2022– page 1 OOS 11/13/2022 page 2

Link for Sunday Worship:  https://tinyurl.com/WUSlivestream

New online visitors can fill out the virtual visitor card here: https://tinyurl.com/WUSVirVisCard


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