The Transient and the Permanent: Flower Communion

Link for Sunday Worship:

Generations ago, a Unitarian minister created a ritual celebrating the individuality of every person, the power of a number of individuals coming together and the beauty of each individual freely choosing to join the others. This is Flower Communion, a ritual whose meaning has only deepened in this year of national divisiveness and physical separation. This service will consider what Flower Communion can mean for us now and the way in which this community ritual forms connections across time and the borders of life and death, past and present. Bring a flower to our virtual celebration, whether it grew in your garden, on the roadside or was given to you as a gift! A virtual celebration of Rebecca Kelley-Morgan’s 12 year religious education ministry will follow the service.

When you log on to worship, you will now see an icon reading “LIVE Otter ai.” This is a transcription application that provides text for any Zoom meeting, a good tool for those with impaired hearing or anyone seeking clarity about what is being broadcast.

You can see a tutorial here:


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