This Sunday is Youth Sunday, the special annual service that includes our beloved graduating seniors’ statements, and a bridging ritual that will mark their transition to Young Adulthood in the UU faith. Youth from WUSYG (WUS Youth Group) and JUSYG (WUS Junior Youth Group) will be contributing with readings, musical performances, and more. This service will be tied together with the theme of “the end of the beginning,” to mark this moment where the first part of their lives is coming to an end, and to acknowledge how Winchester Unitarian Society has been a significant part of that. We will be sharing our gifts with Big Creek People in Action, the organization that WUSYG worked with in West Virginia on their service trip. BCPIA has been serving the community of McDowell County in the realms of education and literacy, leadership development, volunteer service, service learning, arts and culture, housing, recreation, and collaborative partnerships. BCPIA’s vision of McDowell County is one of empowered and self-sufficient people living in communities that are economically vibrant, democratic, and socially just.

Annual Meeting/New Member Ceremony
Click here for: Sunday Worship Livestream
Click here for: Order Of Service for 5/19/2024
Point your smart-phone at the QR to view the Order Of Service: