Rise And Shine

Unitarian Society Youth Group (WUSYG)

We are thrilled to welcome our children back into the Sanctuary for the first time in 2 years for this special youth-led all-ages worship service. With their return, we also lean into April’s theme of “Awakening” by celebrating a new day in Religious Education at WUS, as we live into a new RE Vision led by new RE staff. This service will also experiment with new interactive elements to make it more radically inclusive of our worshippers of all ages, including a new VICC Section, for Very Important Children & Cats. We will also be recognizing all of our RE Leaders. After WUSYG blesses us with their worship leadership, the congregation will in turn bless WUSYG and all Service Trip travelers before their imminent journey to West Virginia. Following the service, everyone is invited to go down to Metcalf Hall for WUSYG’s final fundraiser before the service trip. Lunch will be served to go as well as to stay and enjoy outside.

Order Of Service 4.03.2022 https://www.winchesteruu.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/04.03.2022-OOS-_print-ready.pdf

Link for Sunday Worship: https://tinyurl.com/WUSlivestream

New online visitors can fill out the virtual visitor card here: https://tinyurl.com/WUSVirVisCard

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