Archives: Services

Grabbing Bananas: The Art of Transforming Culture

Every human group – family, neighborhood, workplace, region…and congregation – has a culture. Culture is not just cuisines and languages but complex agreements about what is valued and what is not, what is permitted and what is inappropriate. Sometimes cultures are life-giving, sometimes they are obstacles to wholeness. This service will reflect on our awareness … Continue reading Grabbing Bananas: The Art of Transforming Culture

Everyone Has Dreams and Dreams are for Everyone

How can dreams help us understand ourselves better? How do dreams propel us into the future? What is uncovered in our dreams? Join WUSYG and JUSYG for a youth-led service all about dreams, as we attempt to answer these questions and more! Click here for: Sunday Worship Livestream Click here for: Order Of Service for 3/10/2024 New Online … Continue reading Everyone Has Dreams and Dreams are for Everyone

Yearning to Breathe Free

Like a number of other cities in Massachusetts, Woburn has become home for many immigrants, newly arriving from Haiti. As part of our long-standing commitment to refugee settlement, our congregation has played a role in supporting our newest neighbors. In this service, we will hear from leaders from Social Capital Incorporated, an organization that has … Continue reading Yearning to Breathe Free

How Resistance Works

Cornell West reminds us that “justice is what love looks like in public.” As we continue to explore “liberating love,” this service will draw from Jason Stanley’s “How Fascism Works” and Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny” to consider what a public love, countering authoritarianism, looks like. Click here for: Sunday Worship Livestream Click here for: Order Of Service … Continue reading How Resistance Works

Love in the Universe

As we approach Valentine’s Day, a day focused on romantic love, this service will explore a different kind of love, the love we receive from beyond our circles of close connection. We will also celebrate and commission our Pastoral Care Associates, honoring the lay ministry of care between and among community members, sometimes even strangers… … Continue reading Love in the Universe

A Restorative Path Towards Justice

We begin a month centered on “Liberating Love” by exploring restorative Justice. Restorative Justice is a practice drawn from indigenous cultures, made part of mainstream society through the work of pacifist Christian leaders in the 1970’s and 80’s. In advance of discussing Rabbi Dayna Ruttenberg’s On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, … Continue reading A Restorative Path Towards Justice

We Can Do Hard Things

What if the Winchester Unitarian Society decided to deepen its already ambitious and effective commitment to environmental sustainability?How close could we come to functioning as a nearly carbon neutral congregation? And how quickly could we get there? Such a commitment raises other questions such as What would it take to approach carbon neutrality? and What … Continue reading We Can Do Hard Things

The Way is Long

Justice work is the work of faithful people. At the center of this service is a reflection and ritual to renew ourselves for the journey. This service will be lead by the Rev. Mary Margaret Earl. Rev. Earl has served as Executive Director and Senior Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry for 9 years. … Continue reading The Way is Long

Wild and Precious-

At the beginning of each year, we invite three members of the WUS community, representing three generations, to reflect on the poet Mary Oliver’s compelling question “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Come hear how Sandy Thompson, Brett Mulder and Celia Oslakovic respond and consider how you … Continue reading Wild and Precious-