Archives: Services

Easter Sunday

Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 4/9/23 Easter Link for Sunday Worship: New online visitors can fill out the virtual visitor card here:

Noticing as a Spiritual Practice

WUS member Marcy Tompson draws from her experience as a therapist to consider the power of truly noticing the world around us. What would it be like if we had the capacity to be fully present to our everyday relationships? Growing in gratitude often begins with noticing. Lets explore this possibility together… Order Of Service … Continue reading Noticing as a Spiritual Practice

Educating for Liberation

What brings you to a congregation? The music? The sense of community? The potlucks? All of the above…or reasons you can’t quite identify? This service will explore the idea of a congregation as a place of life-long learning, not just learning information but learning about the world and our place within it, especially in regards … Continue reading Educating for Liberation

The Blessing of Friendship

It is often said that it is love that makes the world go round. However, without doubt, it is friendship which keeps our spinning existence on an even keel. WUS member Stephen Perepeluk reflects on the special bonds that bring joy to our lives. The theme of friendship will also be celebrated by welcoming the … Continue reading The Blessing of Friendship

Queerly Joyful and Joyfully Queer

What does it mean to lean into joy because of our identities? Join guest minister, the Rev. Laura Solomon from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading, to consider queer joy and how we might find it – regardless of and because of who we are! Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 2.26.23 Link for … Continue reading Queerly Joyful and Joyfully Queer

A Season of Reflection

Lent is a 40-day period when faithful Christians enter into a time of sacrifice and reflection to spiritually prepare for Easter. Some Unitarian Universalists participate in traditional Lent and some take part in a parallel time of awareness, reflection and sharing in community – #UULent. This service will invite us into collective engagement with #UULent, … Continue reading A Season of Reflection

The Geography of Generosity

It is the time of year when the congregation considers its financial commitments to our mission, also known as “the pledge drive.” But this service invites us to approach this annual time of commitment and recommitment from a slightly different perspective. What gifts do we have – including ,but not restricted to – financial resources … Continue reading The Geography of Generosity