Archives: Services

100 Years of Delight: The Flower Ceremony

For 100 years, Unitarians and UUs have celebrated the Flower Ceremony, a ritual of bringing, blessing and sharing flowers as an embodied way to celebrate the beauty of diversity and unity. This service will include this ritual…so bring a flower! Cultivated, dandilion or roadside will do… We will also celebrate Queer pride as another joyful … Continue reading 100 Years of Delight: The Flower Ceremony

Memorials in Motion

As we approach Memorial Day, many visit monuments erected in memory of those who died in service to our nation. Yet, there is meaning in creating living, moving memorials, engaging in actions that honor our veterans, remember those who have died and serve as public witness. This service will include a blessing of those walking … Continue reading Memorials in Motion

Youth Sunday

This Sunday is Youth Sunday, the special annual service that includes our beloved graduating seniors’ statements, and a bridging ritual that will mark their transition to Young Adulthood in the UU faith. The rest of the youth group – plus members of our new Junior Youth group, JUSYG –  will be contributing with readings, musical … Continue reading Youth Sunday

Art, Fear and the Courage to Create

Last week we explored the advent of collective creativity through technology, Artificial Intelligence. This Sunday, in this month centered on Creativity, we will explore the spiritual challenges of creating. We will also welcome New Members to the Winchester Unitarian Society as we continue to create community together! Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS 5/14/2023 … Continue reading Art, Fear and the Courage to Create

AI, You and UU

As we begin a month exploring “creativity,” this service will reflect on the potential gifts and dangers inherent in the emerging field of artificial intelligence. What could this mean for our spiritual and intellectual lives? What could this mean for the world we share? This service will be co-led by the Rev. Cynthia Davidson, Affiliated … Continue reading AI, You and UU

Pain and Joy

“Joy comes to those who have known pain. Exploring the darkness of pain may seem counterintuitive, but often it’s the only way to see the light.” Join Worship Associate and Standing Committee member Ivan Correia as he explores how we can resist pain through drawing from its lessons to heal and find joy. Order Of … Continue reading Pain and Joy

Green Burial: Reclaiming Our Dead and Their Death

When someone dies, most people automatically call a funeral home. However, it has only very recently been this way. The profession of funeral director, along with the related array of goods and services comprising the American funeral industry, emerged in the latter 19th century and flourished over the 20th century. This century, however, a broad … Continue reading Green Burial: Reclaiming Our Dead and Their Death

Earth Communion: Reclaiming Our Connection Through Food

Long-time members of WUS have many memories of good experiences with food in community – Circle Dinners, Pie Sunday, holiday potlucks, the Chili Cook Off, the Spaghetti Dinner. This Sunday, in preparation for Earth Day, we will explore the connections between growing and sharing food, planetary health, spiritual healing and social justice. This sevice will … Continue reading Earth Communion: Reclaiming Our Connection Through Food