Honorable Harvesters

Drawing on the wisdom of communities native to this land, this service explores “the honorable harvest” – asking permission of the earth, taking only what we need and giving something in return. In anticipation of Thanksgiving, we will also give thanks for many blessings by welcoming new members into the community and exploring “The Thanksgiving Address.”   You may contribute to this service by bringing a pie, as it is the annual Pie Sunday. And Bring a Friend! This service will serve as religious education for the day so there will be no Family Worship or morning Religious Education programming.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this Sunday one half of our gifts will be set aside for the Winchester Unitarian Society Minister’s Discretionary Fund. The MDF provides support to individuals and families in financial distress within and beyond the congregation. (We will soon make a donation from the MDF to the Woburn Council of Social Concern for $300 towards holiday gift cards for low-income families.)

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