Half the Sky: Honoring International Women’s Day in the Era of COVID

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship

It has been said that the current health crisis has had a greater impact on those already living at the margins. This is true in terms of gender roles. With so many “essential workers” – grocery store workers, nurses, teachers – keeping society going at their own risk, we cannot forget that so many of them are women. Needing to quit work to support at-home schooling has been falling on the shoulders of women. How is the COVID pandemic impacting the lives of women around the world? We honor International Women’s Day with a very special guest speaker. Gizella Nagy of Romania has been a long-time leader with the International Convocation of UU Women (now the International Women’s Convocation.) Many will recognize her name as she is married to the minister of our partner church in Marosvásárhely, Transylvania. Ms. Nagy will speak to how women from different countries and cultures are experiencing and responding to the pandemic. As this is the first Sunday of the month, there will be a conversation after worship about the service. Gizella Nagy will join us for the conversation. Don’t miss it!

When you log on to worship, you will now see an icon reading “LIVE Otter ai.” This is a transcription application that provides text for any Zoom meeting, a good tool for those with impaired hearing or anyone seeking clarity about what is being broadcast.

You can see a tutorial here: https://tinyurl.com/OtterDemo


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