Green Burial: Reclaiming Our Dead and Their Death

When someone dies, most people automatically call a funeral home. However, it has only very recently been this way. The profession of funeral director, along with the related array of goods and services comprising the American funeral industry, emerged in the latter 19th century and flourished over the 20th century. This century, however, a broad and growing movement is fostering the rediscovery of famly-led after-death care, and ecological awareness is prompting a proliferation of greener disposition options. All of this is woven into a reclaiming of grief’s gifts and needs, helping many people to experience a far better death than was available a generation ago. This service explores the movement’s offerings for UUs, with particular attention to Massachusetts developments. It is paired with a hybrid-format presentation afterwards for those interested in more details and a chance to ask questions and share discussion. Led by Life-Cycle Celebrant Martha Dallas

Order Of Service for Sunday Worship: OOS Going Out Green 4.23.23

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