Can we Connect? Some Reflections on E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India

Have the political parties and the different parts of this country ever been as disconnected as they seem to be today?  But even those disturbing disconnections pale in comparison to the chasms that still seem to exist between the different countries and cultures on our planet.  As Unitarian Universalists we recognize that, perhaps now more than ever, if the human race is to survive—if this country is to survive–we need to find ways to connect to each other, that is to understand one another.  “Only connect,” our centering thought this Sunday, comes from E.M Forster’s 1910 novel Howard’s End.  Yet the question “can we connect,” finds perhaps its most developed exploration in Forster’s last, and most popular novel, A Passage to India (1924), which presents us with the clash of British and Indian (both Moslem and Hindu) attitudes and prejudices.  Join us this Sunday as we explore whether Foster’s novel about British Imperialism in India, written 100 years ago, might help us answer the vital question today: “Can We Connect?”

– Service led by Martin Newhouse

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