Archives: Services

Can we Connect? Some Reflections on E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India

Have the political parties and the different parts of this country ever been as disconnected as they seem to be today?  But even those disturbing disconnections pale in comparison to the chasms that still seem to exist between the different countries and cultures on our planet.  As Unitarian Universalists we recognize that, perhaps now more … Continue reading Can we Connect? Some Reflections on E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India

No, That’s Not Okay

We sometimes celebrate the power of saying “yes” – people write books and blogs about their experiences of trying to say “yes” as much as possible to everything. The power of “no” is less celebrated and yet equally important. The ability to say “no,” keep out the unwanted, and set boundaries, is actually fundamental to … Continue reading No, That’s Not Okay

Love In Action

Love is one of those squishy words that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, while also being used frequently by many of us assuming we mean the same thing. Our new Unitarian universalist shared values place love at the center – If love is at the center, we … Continue reading Love In Action

Meeting Needs

An underutilized framing to think about how the human experience works is the lens of understanding and meeting needs. Much of if not all of life is about meeting the needs we have, from food, shelter, and safety, to human connection, joy, and purpose. And yet beyond the essentials needed for life, we rarely talk … Continue reading Meeting Needs

Interdependence in Action

Join us this Sunday as we explore the meaning and theological roots of interdependence, one of our newly defined UU shared values. Barbara Espinosa Barrera from environmental advocacy group GreenRoots will be our guest speaker. She will share about GreenRoots’ work in Chelsea and East Boston and how their organization lives interdependence into being in … Continue reading Interdependence in Action