On May 10th, our final concert of the year will feature two extraordinary artists!

We are so pleased to welcome
the fiddler
Cynthia MacLeod

and guitarist Gordon Belsher,

all the way from Prince
Edward Island.

Cynthia will thrill you
with her distinct style of fiddling that
embraces both local roots and her
ancestral connection to the Scottish
Highlands. Her unique style and
boundless energy will win your heart.

Want to view our concert remotely? Click: Concert Livestream

Our final concert in the series is scheduled for SATURDAY (not our usual Friday concert night), May 10th, and features fiddler Cynthia MacLeod and guitarist, Gordon Belsher, both from Prince Edward Island.   https://www.cynthiamacleod.com

Please consider being a concert sponsor this year!  Our sponsor levels remain the same:

  • Sponsor ($150 donation)  
  • Forte Sponsor ($200 donation)
  • Fortissimo Sponsor ($300 donation) – Includes Be Our Guest passes to bring along two guests to attend one concert or one guest to two different concerts in this year’s series.

Note: Sponsors may attend each concert without feeling that another donation should be made at the door. Solo sponsors may bring along a guest without feeling that an additional donation should be made for that guest.

There are various ways to make a sponsorship donation:

  • Write a check payable to WUS and write “concert series” in the memo field and deliver it to the office (and let me know) or deliver it directly to me.
  • Use the church’s PayPal or Breeze online payment program. (You’ll find both on the Giving tab on the church’s web site.) Include a note to let office staff know that you are making a concert series sponsor donation. Let me know, too, to ensure that your name will be included on the concert program’s sponsor list.

Thank you for considering a donation to the concert series.  Last year, thanks to our supporters, we raised $9,000 for the church and we made a $300 donation to the Susan Swap Memorial Music Fund – a WUS endowed fund created to embellish our music program.  Frequently, this fund is a major contributor to the cost for instrumentalists for our Music Sunday services.  

Prior to attending the concert in person, please check our church web site concert page for up-to-date Covid protocols. 

On behalf of the Music Committee,

Kathryn Maffei, Co-Chair

Suggested donations at the door are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors, and $5 for students. Masks are optional. The venue is handicapped accessible, and street parking is available. For a link to the livestreamed concert, go to Concert Livestream For more information, call 781-729-0949.

View a recording of the concerts among recordings of our Sunday services HERE.