Path to Membership

As you consider membership in the Winchester Unitarian Society, we invite you to:

  • Attend Sunday worship and coffee hour, get to know others and see if you feel at home.

  • Complete the Visitor Information Card, found in the pew racks in the Sanctuary, so that you can receive our weekly e-newsletter, Highlights, and learn about the many ways to connect at WUS. Those attending by livestream will be invited to sign a Virtual Visitor Card:

  • Attend our introductory informational sessions about Unitarian Univeralism: Beginning, Becoming, Belonging. These are offered periodically throughout the year and promoted in Highlights and order-of-service announcements and Sunday announcements.

  • Get involved in educational, spiritual or service opportunities that interest you.

  • Meet with the minister so they may learn more about you, what you are seeking in a spiritual home, explain the rights and responsibilities of membership and learn how the congregation can best minister to you.

  • Sign the membership book during one of the new member signing ceremonies during worship or, if you are unable to participate in one of these ceremonies, make arrangements with the minister or a member of the Standing Committee to sign at another time. (Visit the bulletin board in the Sanctuary foyer on the Main Street side of the building to see who is currently serving on the Standing Committee or send your request to

Members of the Winchester Unitarian Society receive:

  • A greater sense of belonging at WUS, grounded in the mutual covenant between member and congregation.

  • Ministerial services for weddings, child dedications and memorial services at no cost.

  • Full voting rights regarding the annual budget and other important church issues.

Members also receive the Unitarian Universalist Association’s publication, UUWorld.  

See Membership FAQ for more details.