Here are some of the ways we welcome and include everyone, from people who are new to the church, to our long-time members.
Look for a friendly face as you enter the building. One of our Greeters will welcome you to church, and help you find everything you need. The Ushers will give you an Order of Service and help you find a seat. If you need a large-print Order of Service, or a listening assistance device, you may speak to an Usher.
A Pastoral Care Associate (PCA) is always available in the Sanctuary after the service, if you need somebody to talk to.
Join us after the service in the Symmes Room for coffee and refreshments. We’d love to chat with you!
The office is open for business on Sunday mornings, thanks to our volunteer Sunday Secretaries. They can help answer any questions you might have about the building, the service, or the Offering.
If you would like to be part of that fantastic team of people that makes our church so welcoming on Sundays, sign up for a spot. You can be an usher, bring delicious finger foods, or provide the flowers that decorate the chancel. If you would like to participate a little more, you can sign up to be a Worship Associate or Sunday Secretary. Visit here to learn more about the details of each role!
We hold various events throughout the church year to help build our congregational community. These include our annual rummage sale, potlucks, art festival, community dance, and more!
These are a series of small-group pot-luck dinners that meet starting in January. This activity is for members and non-members, singles, couples, and families. Newcomers are especially encouraged to participate. No matter how long you have been attending WUS, this is a wonderful opportunity to get to know one another better. We have a congregation of interesting people and these dinners can often be the highlight of the year.
Each group includes from 7 to 9 participants and meets four times, about once/month. One person each time is the host; everyone shares in providing main course, salad, vegetable, dessert, etc. You do not need to be able to host a group to participate.
We will offer a family dinner option if there is enough interest.
Circle Dinner sign-ups typically begin in the winter. Contact the church office at or (781) 729-0949 for more information.