11:45 am - 2:30 pm

Winchester Unitarian Society


WUSYG Presents:


A virtual “potluck” and fundraiser featuring music and stories from our youth

Sunday, June 7th

10:30-11:30 Worship

11:45 Virtual Potluck (bring a dish that reminds you of home!)

12:00 Program feat. stories & music from our youth

This Sunday, please join us for this special event after the worship service. There will be a brief break after worship, then please be ready to “bring” food that reminds you of “home” at 11:45 to enjoy in small groups via breakout rooms (as if you were sitting with each other at a potluck!)

At noon, we will bring everyone back together for our main event: youth will share some videos of things we can all do from home, plus a few musical performances, interspersed with “commercials” for special homemade products you can purchase, too.

WUSYG is organizing this fundraiser as a way to give back to the church, a second home for many of us. 75% of the proceeds will be going to the WUS Operating Budget, and 25% will go to the UU Mass Action Covid Relief Fund.

If you cannot attend but would still like to donate, please use this link, or send a check to WUS, and put “Take Me Home” in the memo/note field.

Questions: Email Sam and Haley,

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