7:00 pm - 8:30 pm



Solutions to the threat of rapid climate change:

Can they be both fair and effective?

John L Keller, PhD, CCM

Thursday,  January 28, 2021

  7:00 -8:30 pm,

Winchester Unitarian Society via Zoom


Rapid global climate change is underway, and accelerating. To scientists, the cause is crystal clear: disruption of our planet’s natural carbon cycle largely from the burning of fossil fuels. A transition to a global economic system based on net-zero carbon dioxide emissions must happen within the next several decades to avoid the collapse of the global economic and political order.

Dr. Keller will address key questions, including:

  • What is the magnitude of the climate mitigation challenge?
  • Can humanity mitigate the worst impacts of climate change?
  • How much would transition to a net-zero economy cost for the US and globally?
  • What is the link between energy availability and human development?
  • What are the environmental justice implications of our current fossil-fuel based global energy industry?
  • Can the fossil fueled global economic system be changed while ending extreme poverty?
  • Can market-based solutions, such as a carbon tax, be effective and consistent with environmental justice?
  • What is the nature of the political coalition challenging efforts to effectively address global climate change?
  • What actions can you take personally to make a significant difference?


John Keller is a full-time volunteer with the nonprofit Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL).  CCL advocates for a national revenue-neutral carbon fee by lobbying congress and building political will through public education. John’s career in meteorology and climate applications began in the early 1970s.

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