Community-Wide Conversation on Black Lives Matter

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Winchester Unitarian Society
You’re invited to a community-wide conversation on Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 7 p.m. at the Winchester Unitarian Society (WUS), 478 Main St, Winchester.
As you may have heard, members of the Winchester Unitarian Society voted on January 7, 2018 to “affirm our continuing commitment to racial justice by publicly displaying on church property a sign or banner that reads: ‘Black Lives Matter’.” Whether you have seen our recent local press release or not, you may want to take a look this information about our commitment:
The community-wide conversation will be facilitated by our own Reverend Heather Janules, with special guests Peter MacDonnell, Winchester Chief of Police, and Sandy Thompson, Founder of the Winchester Multi-Cultural Network. We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend and participate in this important conversation. Share any of this information with your friends and neighbors and invite them to join us for the evening. RSVP (helpful but not required) to:
Zareen Karani Araoz, Steve Butterfield, Phil Coonley, Sarah Kelley, Gloria Levgold, John Loewy, Gordon McIntosh, Kathy Richardson, Patty Shepard, and Sophia Sid, Members of the Black Lives Matter Banner Process Group of the Winchester Unitarian Society