Category: SAOC

Building Beloved Community 3/14/24

Transformation By Transformation Winchester UU’s March theme is “Transformation,” which neatly converges with our butterflies logo. Butterflies provide a metaphor for individual change and ultimately for societal change.  Imaginal cells hold transformative, potential power driving the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, although there is no visible similarity between the two creatures. What if we too … Continue reading Building Beloved Community 3/14/24

Building Beloved Community Book by Book 2/29/24

The Racial Justice Team’s Planning Group hosted a discussion of the word “privilege” last Sunday, with another one scheduled for March 7 on zoom from 7 to 8 pm. (registration required) The focus is on Peggy McIntosh’s ground-breaking article in 1988: “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Take a few minutes to google the article and … Continue reading Building Beloved Community Book by Book 2/29/24

Building Beloved Community 2/15/24

Resource By Resource If you like your information in manageable amounts, try subscribing to the Anti-Racism Daily ( newsletter. Black History Month is a great time to expand your understanding of racism in all its forms. A recent article discussed discrimination in housing appraisals and another explained why we capitalize B in Black when referring … Continue reading Building Beloved Community 2/15/24

Building Beloved Community 2/8/24

Learning By Learning More than a century after the 13th Amendment abolished slavey, President Gerald Ford recognized February as BLACK HISTORY MONTH in 1976. This declaration was long coming, with many earlier manifestations such as the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) in 1926 sponsoring Negro History Week on the second week … Continue reading Building Beloved Community 2/8/24

Building Beloved Community with Microvalidations

In our recent Connecting Conversations we explored, together, microaggressions and their grievous harm. A possible counter strategy to their cumulative burden is small, affirming declarations. In a 2023 Harvard Business Review article, authors Roberts, Grayson, and Rosser presented several microvalidations to incorporate into interactions. Each can begin subtly to move a marginalized “outsider” into a sense of inclusion as an “insider.” Here, … Continue reading Building Beloved Community with Microvalidations

Building a Beloved Community

with A Sense of Belonging The holiday season is here. How are we experiencing it—connected? isolated ?   For some of us the season of holiday hype only magnifies feelings of loss, aloneness, anxiety, unease. We may have grown up in a different culture or religion or experience being “other” in some way. We know that a sense of belonging is … Continue reading Building a Beloved Community