Category: RE

RE and Youth Highlights for 5/9

RE: This past Sunday, we had a great conversation during First Reflection about the difference between equal and equitable. Everyone got a bandaid as a reminder that fairness is giving everyone what they need, not necessarily giving everyone the same thing. Spirit Play: This coming Sunday we’ll gather in the sanctuary for First Reflection and … Continue reading RE and Youth Highlights for 5/9

RE and Youth Highlights 5/2/24

This past Sunday, we were back to our regular RE classes after a resounding responsive singing First Reflection. The kids really enjoyed themselves and we brought that energy into our Gathering Circle and then our classrooms! This coming Sunday we’ll gather in the sanctuary for First Reflection and then join our Nursery, Spirit Play, and … Continue reading RE and Youth Highlights 5/2/24

RE Update 3/28/24

This past Sunday, we gathered up front in the sanctuary to talk about the many spring festivals shared by different faith traditions around the world. We discussed the Hindu holiday of Holi, especially, as we had prepared a little Holi celebration of throwing colors after the service. We had loads of fun welcoming springtime and … Continue reading RE Update 3/28/24

RE Update 3/14/24

This past Sunday, the youth of the church, including many RE assistants, performed a skit for the kids for First Reflection. It was all about believing in yourself and following your dreams no matter what people might say. It was such a powerful message made more so because it came from kids for kids. This … Continue reading RE Update 3/14/24

RE update 2/29/24

This past Sunday for First Reflection, we talked about how important it is to remember that we all belong to one another, even though it can be hard sometimes when someone seems very different from ourselves. In our RE time, we had our second February Vacation collective fun time. We played “Freeze” Dance, did winter … Continue reading RE update 2/29/24