Category: News Highlights

Building Beloved Community 3/28/24

Feminist by Feminist In celebration of Women’s Herstory Month, renowned feminist figures like Gloria Steinem (who recently turned 90!) are often spotlighted. As a white woman, Steinem brought an inclusive lens to the work, believing that race, gender, age, and ethnicity must be addressed together.  In addition to well-known white feminists, it’s also important to recognize … Continue reading Building Beloved Community 3/28/24

Building Beloved Community

Term By Term In the midst of Women’s Herstory Month, it’s a good time to highlight legal scholar and civil rights advocate Kimberle Crenshaw who coined the term “intersectionality” in 1989. Her own definition:  “Intersectionality is a metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage sometimes compound themselves and create obstacles that … Continue reading Building Beloved Community

Building Beloved Community 3/14/24

Transformation By Transformation Winchester UU’s March theme is “Transformation,” which neatly converges with our butterflies logo. Butterflies provide a metaphor for individual change and ultimately for societal change.  Imaginal cells hold transformative, potential power driving the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, although there is no visible similarity between the two creatures. What if we too … Continue reading Building Beloved Community 3/14/24

RE Update 3/14/24

This past Sunday, the youth of the church, including many RE assistants, performed a skit for the kids for First Reflection. It was all about believing in yourself and following your dreams no matter what people might say. It was such a powerful message made more so because it came from kids for kids. This … Continue reading RE Update 3/14/24

Look What I Found!

By James Pidacks Have you ever wondered why finding an outlet in our church is sometimes challenging? Well, here is a story to help explain it. One day, I was searching for a way to reset a circuit breaker. I found a well-crafted wooden panel with two doors behind the welcoming table in the Symmes … Continue reading Look What I Found!