Category: Highlights

Building Beloved Community

Term By Term In the midst of Women’s Herstory Month, it’s a good time to highlight legal scholar and civil rights advocate Kimberle Crenshaw who coined the term “intersectionality” in 1989. Her own definition:  “Intersectionality is a metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage sometimes compound themselves and create obstacles that … Continue reading Building Beloved Community

Building Beloved Community 3/14/24

Transformation By Transformation Winchester UU’s March theme is “Transformation,” which neatly converges with our butterflies logo. Butterflies provide a metaphor for individual change and ultimately for societal change.  Imaginal cells hold transformative, potential power driving the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, although there is no visible similarity between the two creatures. What if we too … Continue reading Building Beloved Community 3/14/24

RE Update 3/14/24

This past Sunday, the youth of the church, including many RE assistants, performed a skit for the kids for First Reflection. It was all about believing in yourself and following your dreams no matter what people might say. It was such a powerful message made more so because it came from kids for kids. This … Continue reading RE Update 3/14/24

Building Beloved Community Book by Book 2/29/24

The Racial Justice Team’s Planning Group hosted a discussion of the word “privilege” last Sunday, with another one scheduled for March 7 on zoom from 7 to 8 pm. (registration required) The focus is on Peggy McIntosh’s ground-breaking article in 1988: “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Take a few minutes to google the article and … Continue reading Building Beloved Community Book by Book 2/29/24

RE update 2/29/24

This past Sunday for First Reflection, we talked about how important it is to remember that we all belong to one another, even though it can be hard sometimes when someone seems very different from ourselves. In our RE time, we had our second February Vacation collective fun time. We played “Freeze” Dance, did winter … Continue reading RE update 2/29/24