Category: Community Events

Building a Beloved Community

with A Sense of Belonging The holiday season is here. How are we experiencing it—connected? isolated ?   For some of us the season of holiday hype only magnifies feelings of loss, aloneness, anxiety, unease. We may have grown up in a different culture or religion or experience being “other” in some way. We know that a sense of belonging is … Continue reading Building a Beloved Community

Building Beloved Community Article by Article

Last month’s theme was “generosity” and that’s stills on our minds in December when we are bombarded by pleas for money for countless good causes. This year might be the time to take a closer look at our charitable giving. In WBUR’s November 27 online Cognoscenti essay, Makeeba McCreary, Ed.D., president of the New Commonwealth Racial Equity and … Continue reading Building Beloved Community Article by Article

2023-2024 Concert Series

Friday, October 27th at 8:00 p.m. New Works by John Kramer Join us for a spectacular evening of new music by Music Director John Kramer. This program will feature his new Violin Sonata, performed by Julia Cash, and his 2019 Cello Sonata, performed by Sam Ou, along with other original music.  John’s unique blending of classical … Continue reading 2023-2024 Concert Series