A Message from the Chair Gordy McIntosh 2/22/24

Two separate but important thoughts to share this week.

We are a little more than halfway through the church’s program year. Our leaders have already begun to look toward next year. The Nominations, Leadership and Development Committee has been working to fill our committees for the next term as people complete their terms. The Treasurer has begun the budget process for the fiscal year 2025 and the ministerial transition. We will be saying goodbye to Reverend Heather and celebrating her ministry with us. We will also be in search this spring for an Interim Minister to bridge the gap until our next settled minister. More to come!

Each month, the Standing Committee receives program staff reports and copies of the program committees’ monthly minutes. This is all compiled by our administrator, Richard, and emailed to us in one report. This month that report was 61 pages long. Usually, I just scan the report for the highlights and sometimes there’s some kind of action in a report that a staff member wants us to take up. This month, though, I read it more closely. As Chair of the Standing Committee and long-time member, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of activity that takes place that I’m unaware of. I am reminded how much I appreciate the work of the staff and all the volunteers that make it happen. Thank you to everyone for all your contributions, large and small. It all makes a difference.