Widening the Circle

Link for Sunday Worship:   https://tinyurl.com/WUSworship

People think of faith communities as institutions centered on ethereal concepts, such as spiritual beliefs and moral values. They are…and they also function in the everyday world as non-profit employers. A past hiring decision by the Unitarian Universalist Association sparked a multi-year process examining the gap between the UUA’s professed objectives of anti-racism and its administrative functioning. The process, led by the Commission on Institutional Change, revealed these kind of chasms above and beyond hiring practices throughout the UUA AND its member congregations. Their findings were released in a report, “Widening the Circle of Concern.” As we at WUS commit to making a more just world, how do we recognize when injustice appears in everyday congregational life? How deep is our commitment to change if it means abandoning “how we have always done” worship or education or the practical aspects of congregational management like fundraising and building maintenance. For reasons that will eventually be clear, our consideration of these questions will include exploration of our incredible collection of stained glass windows. Come join the conversation!

When you log on to worship, you will now see an icon reading “LIVE Otter ai.” This is a transcription application that provides text for any Zoom meeting, a good tool for those with impaired hearing or anyone seeking clarity about what is being broadcast.

You can see a tutorial here: https://tinyurl.com/OtterDemo

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