
Search Committee Selection Process

The Standing Committee met last Wednesday and settled on the selection process recommended by the Unitarian Universalist Association, the UUA, of which we are a member congregation.
The process will be as follows:
The Standing Committee will send out a survey to the congregation asking for nominations to the search committee.
People not responding to the survey will be contacted by the Standing Committee by phone, email, and/or in person. If you prefer a conversation over filling out the survey, you can reach out to a member of the Standing Committee to give your nominations. All respondents will be known. There will not be anonymous nominations.
A Google sheet will be created to record nominations. Once we feel we have achieved hearing from everyone, we will review the results and select potential candidates for the search committee.
Each nominee we select will be contacted for their acceptance as a candidate and a slate will be decided upon. Final candidates will then create a bio with a photo for displaying at church.
The final slate of candidates will be voted on at our Annual Meeting in May. Only members will be allowed to vote. Nominations can be made from the floor.
The survey is scheduled to be sent by email on Friday, January 24th. There will be other links available in Highlights and in the Order of Service.
Please watch Highlights for additional information about selecting a search committee and questions to think about to help you discern your choices for nomination.
Again, feel free to reach out to any Standing Committee member with questions or concerns.
Gordy McIntoshStanding Committee Chair
Winchester UU

Published by
Winchester UU

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