During our Service of Remembrance on Sunday, November 3rd, we will be remembering our loved ones who have passed with a sung litany. If you would like somebody to be included in this litany, please send their name or names to Music Director John Kramer by email: John.kramer@winchesteruu.org. The deadline for submission, Wednesday, October 30th, will allow their names to be included in the sung litany.
On Sunday, February 9th, WUSYG leads worship, while the children in RE have Science Club…
The Standing Committee met on January 8th and settled on the selection process recommended by…
The Standing Committee met last Wednesday and settled on the selection process recommended by the…
W.U.S. has a long history of fantastic FUNdraisers, and we have more in store! Our…
Letting Go, Looking Forward This is a reminder for an important event this coming Sunday,…
The Standing Committee met last Wednesday and settled on the selection process recommended by the…