Community Events

A Brief Message from the Chair

Gordy McIntosh on 9/12/24

Welcome to another church year! I’m disappointed to have missed the Water Communion Service. I wanted to be together with you all but I got back from vacation late Sunday night. I can’t wait to hear about your summers!

Your leaders, however, have been working hard all summer preparing for our interim ministry with Reverend Seth. We have formed a Transition Team to work with Seth to guide us through this time. If you’re interested in serving on this team, please reach out to Seth.

We have also been working on some building maintenance and upgrades to further our mission of environmental responsibility. You may have noticed where some plaster has fallen from the sanctuary ceiling and some not so noticeable plaster work in the candle room to the right of the chancel. We have an opportunity to replace our worn out solar panels with some new, higher wattage panels. We will be having a Special Meeting in October to ask the congregation to vote on some financial considerations. There will be opportunities to learn more about this over the next few weeks before the meeting.

We are also in the early conversation stage regarding the possibility of holding a capital campaign for additional building maintenance and upgrades.

I am excited to be serving as your Standing Committee Chair again this year. I believe we are on a spiritual path for growth in continued service to our Mission. I’m looking forward to being in community with you all and facing the challenges and opportunities before us, together.

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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