Community Events

Update on Maria from Sanctuary Task Force

Hopefully, many of you will remember Maria who we cared for when she was in sanctuary at the First Parish Church in Bedford.

Her birthday was May 9th and it’s never too late to send her birthday wishes. Your cards can be mailed to:

Maria Macario

269 Chestnut Street, Apt. 1

Lynn, MA 01902

Maria is still working as a hospital cleaner. When her husband died in Guatemala, her two non-deported sons were able to travel to Guatemala for his service and also see their deported brother, Isidro. She has work papers and a driver’s license but no asylum so, unfortunately, she can’t travel out of the country. After caring several years for her mother, she lost her.

This was on top of her losing champion immigrant activist and Bedford volunteer Tony Rodriguez to pancreatic cancer. He had worked very closely with Isidro who was deported and also resides in Guatemala.

So a it’s a tough time for Maria and I’m sure she will be glad to hear from the many volunteers from WUS.

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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