This past Sunday, we had a great time discussing lasagna feelings – or those layers of feeling that can lead us to conflict: Anger, Fear, Hurt, and Love. We then enjoyed creating a memorial wreath to lay at the war memorial across the street on Main Street. It contained all sorts of meaningful plants and colors, and the kids got to usher it to its place of honor in a small parade.
This coming Sunday, we’ll have our Celebration Sunday celebration during RE time. We’ll come together as a group to honor and thank our teachers and celebrate some of our fondest memories and moments of this church year. We’ll also play some games, sing some songs, and have a snack!
Our final Sunday of this church year is on June 9th, when we’ll be doing even more celebrating. We’ll be celebrating our Flower Communion service, which is a service for all ages. We’ll also be celebrating Rev. Heather as she leaves us to pursue her work as a therapist and part-time minister.
After the service, we’ll have a vegetarian pot-luck luncheon to honor Rev. Heather, as well as a plant exchange as part of those festivities. There will be lots to do that Sunday, so here’s an easy list of what to bring:
1) a flower to contribute to the Flower Communion ceremony
2) a vegetarian pot-luck dish for the pot-luck luncheon
3) a cutting from one of your houseplants. (Please be sure that it’s a plant that is nontoxic to cats.)
WUSYG: We hope you all had a nice weekend (many of you were away or at Boston Calling!) though we still had fun Skit in a Bagging with several of you!
This Sunday we have our final joint WUSYG/JUSYG meeting from 5:30-8, then our end-of-year celebration the following week (wear something that can get wet!). Earlier that morning (June 9th) WUSYGers are also encouraged to come to Heather’s goodbye celebration following the morning service (especially those of you involved in the interactive present we’ll be giving her!).
This Saturday is Town Day and we hope several WUSYGers will join us to help on the WUS lawn for an hour or two between 11 and 2. There are no official sign-ups for teens but we know several of you plan to be there and the more the merrier! WUSYG will also have a table at PrideFest on the Common on June 4th from 4:30-6:30, so we hope several of you can join us then too (meet at WUS at 4 to get supplies).
Contact Sam and Alison with questions:
We hope you all had a nice weekend (many of you were away!) though we missed seeing (most of) you on Sunday!
This Sunday we have our final joint WUSYG/JUSYG meeting from 6:30-8, then our closing “fancy dinner” the following week at 6:30. Earlier that morning (June 9th) youth are also encouraged to come to Heather’s goodbye celebration following the morning service.
This Saturday is Town Day and we are hoping some JUSYGers will join us and WUSYG to help on the WUS lawn for an hour or two between 11 and 2. JUSYG will also have a table at PRIDEFest on the Common on June 4th from 4:30-6:30 so we hope several of you can join us then too.
Questions, message Sam:
On Sunday, February 9th, WUSYG leads worship, while the children in RE have Science Club…
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The Standing Committee met last Wednesday and settled on the selection process recommended by the…
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Letting Go, Looking Forward This is a reminder for an important event this coming Sunday,…
The Standing Committee met last Wednesday and settled on the selection process recommended by the…