Community Events

RE and Youth Highlights 5/2/24

This past Sunday, we were back to our regular RE classes after a resounding responsive singing First Reflection. The kids really enjoyed themselves and we brought that energy into our Gathering Circle and then our classrooms!

This coming Sunday we’ll gather in the sanctuary for First Reflection and then join our Nursery, Spirit Play, and Neighboring Faiths classes. Spirit Play will hear stories about our UU Source, Science and Reason. Neighboring Faiths will start their study of Earth-based traditions. The nursery kids will enjoy fun, games, books, and laughs with Celia and Ryan.

OWL: Our Whole Lives (OWL) class will celebrate the year, along with a lesson on Self-Care this Sunday, 5/5, from 5 to 6:30 pm in the OWL room.


Hey friends!

It was so great being with y’all last week and I also look forward to seeing everyone again this Sunday for our special combined WUSYG/JUSYG meeting from 5:30-8 pm (note the different timing for this meeting!). If you were in WV, remember to bring your mailbox notes. We’ll be planning for Youth Sunday (May 19th) and also meeting OWL students who will hopefully join us next year! As a reminder, you can always find the most up-to-date WUSYG calendar, including special meetings, joint WUSYG and JUSYG meetings, and fundraisers, here: Contact Sam and Alison with questions:


Hi everyone – fun times last Sunday with wings and other chicken things! This Sunday JUSYG starts *early* at 6 pm (when all OWL students will be joining us) and is a combined WUSYG/JUSYG meeting until 8 pm. 

Here is the latest version of our calendar for this year:  

We still have one dinner slot left. Please take a look here and see when you can sign up to bring in food and provide additional adult coverage. Thank you so much! Questions, message Sam: 

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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