Building Beloved Community 5/2/24

Question by Question

These days, as bombs fall literally and figuratively, we may find ourselves hearing unexpected, startling comments from a colleague, friend, or family member.

How can we remain in dialogue, in relationship?

The National Museum of African American History and Culture advises a “Questioning Frame of Mind.”  

Seek clarity: Tell me more about __?  

Offer an alternative perspective: Have you ever considered __?

Speak your truth: I don’t see it the way you do. I see it as __.

Find common ground: We don’t agree on __ but we can agree on __.

Give yourself the time and space you need: Could we revisit the conversation about __tomorrow?  

Set boundaries: Please do not say __ again to me or around me.

Here is the link to explore:

—Gloria Legvold, for the Racial Justice Team Planning Group