Community Events

A Message From The Chair 4/18/24

On Monday, Church Administrator and Director of Outreach, Richard Dorbin, reported to the Standing Committee that we have reached our Fiscal 2025 pledge goal of $425,000. As of Monday, we have 106 pledges for $406,171. Combined with the Standing Committee matching pledges, we have a total of $425,451.

Our Treasurer, Brad Steele, says that this is $29.000 higher than the previous highest pledge total the church pledge campaign has raised. While the draft budget still shows a deficit, it is much less than previous years and we believe there are still some pledges to come. We are at 106 pledges, 16 pledges short of our 122 pledge goal. So, if you haven’t pledged yet and intend to do so, please get your pledge in soon so we can finalize the budget for the annual meeting on May 19th! Thank you to our Pledge Drive Team, Liz Scott, John Healy, Liz Lintz and Brad Steele for this amazing pledge drive!

Kathy Richardson, chair of the Interim Search Committee, reports that the committee has submitted a draft application and our UUA consultant has reviewed it and says, “It looks great” with one small recommendation. The committee has met to finalize the application for submission by today’s deadline. They expect to receive names of candidates by April 28th.

Once a year our Congregation meets in an annual business meeting to vote on the budget and officers and committees for next year and other business that may call for congregational approval. This year the meeting will be on Sunday, May 19th, following the Worship Service. The Warrant for the meeting will come out prior to the meeting. If you’re not a member and would like to have your voice heard, there’s plenty of time to schedule a conversation with Reverend Heather to sign the membership book. A light lunch is planned and childcare will be provided. 

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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