Community Events

A Message from the Chair 2/28/24

 Gordy McIntosh

Two reminders this week!

First, Sunday, March 31st, is the final day for the 2025 fiscal year pledge drive. If you’re anything like me, you may not have submitted your pledge for next year yet for any number of reasons. I will be getting my pledge in by Sunday! I’ve always believed that people in leadership roles should set the example for those they lead. But this is often easier said than done. With this in mind, my pledge should have been in on March 3rd. 

Thanks to others on the Standing Committee for pledging early and offering matching pledges. Our Treasurer and budgeting team need your pledges so they can create next year’s budget. We understand that circumstances change and your ability to fulfill your pledge next year may change, but please pledge your best prediction and give ‘til it feels good! The budget will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 19th. Please note that while the formal drive has ended, if you haven’t submitted a pledge, you may receive a reminder over the next several days.

Secondly, please take a moment to fil out the Interim Search survey. The Search Committee would like input for our Interim Minister. The more information they have the easier and better the selection process will be. The Interim Minister will be with us for two years and help us in the search for a settled minister beginning in the spring of 2025. The Interim Minister Search Committee has a table during coffee hour where you can fill out the survey and have any questions you have answered.

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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