Community Events

Follow Up from February 18th Service

“How Resistance Works”

A number of people asked for the resources I referenced in my Second Reflection:

Jason Stanley, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them, and Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny.

If at least 4 people let me know that they are interested in reading and discussing On Tyranny by March 3rd, I will organize and facilitate a group discussion of Snyder’s book.

A member also let me know that the symbol I used in the First Reflection, a bundle of sticks tied together, has been used in some authoritarian regimes. As my mother would say, “We learn something new every day!” A little research brought me here:

Had I known of this connection beforehand, I might have added to the First Reflection the observation that “some use a bundle of sticks as a way of saying how powerful they are over others while we use a bundle of sticks to describe the power of our love for ourselves and others.”

In the words of that morning’s anthem, “Press on!”

— Rev. Heather

Winchester UU

Published by
Winchester UU

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