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Black History Month is a great time to expand your understanding of racism in all its forms. A recent article discussed discrimination in housing appraisals and another explained why we capitalize B in Black when referring to Black people.
Each issue has interesting information, action steps you can take, and more. Give it a try.
–Sandy Thompson for the Racial Justice Team Planning Group
On Sunday, February 9th, WUSYG leads worship, while the children in RE have Science Club…
Not Your Average Rummage Sale WUS has a long history of fantastic FUNdraisers, and we…
The Standing Committee met on January 8th and settled on the selection process recommended by…
The Standing Committee met last Wednesday and settled on the selection process recommended by the…
W.U.S. has a long history of fantastic FUNdraisers, and we have more in store! Our…
Letting Go, Looking Forward This is a reminder for an important event this coming Sunday,…