Religious Education/Owl/WUSYG/JUSYG update 1/26


We had a great WUSYG meeting this past weekend reconnecting after the long holiday break. This week we will be having our first WUSYG sleepover of the year! WUSYGers are invited to join us at WUS this Friday at 7pm through noon on Saturday for games, baking, and fun! We will also have our usual WUSYG meeting on Sunday, 4:30-6:30. It’s a WUSYG-filled weekend!

As a reminder, you can always find the most up-to-date WUSYG calendar, including special meetings, joint WUSYG and JUSYG meetings, and fundraisers, here: Contact Alison with questions:

JUSYG: Junior Youth Group (7th & 8th Grades)

A reminder to all JUSYG parents to get me your child’s availability for the bowling event with the Haitian refugee kids. We’d like to get a date set ASAP so that we can make sure this happens before they have to move on.

We’ll be having a regular meeting this coming Sunday from 6:30 to 8. I can check in with each parent about dates then if necessary.


This past Sunday for First Reflection I read a favorite book of mine called Owl Moon, by Jane Yolen. It’s about a girl going owling at night with her “Pa” and how she has to be quiet and brave and also ready to not see an owl. It was a great story for such a wintry day and also for remembering to hold on to hope when things don’t work out at first. I think the kids really enjoyed it!

This coming Sunday, January 28th, we’re gearing up for a great Sunday in RE. Spirit Play classes will continue exploring creation stories from around the world. Spirit Play 1 will hear the story “Mama God, Papa God” from the Caribbean. Spirit Play 2 will hear a Hindu tale. Neighboring Faiths will begin planning their explorations of other faiths.

OWL: OWL will meet this Sunday, January 28th, in the OWL room on the third floor from 5 to 6:30 pm. The lesson for this Sunday is Sexuality, Social Media, and the Internet.

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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