News Highlights

A Message from The Chair 1/4/2024

Gordy McIntosh

It’s been a few weeks since my last message. Sometimes my brain is going 90 mph with thoughts I want to share and other times I have writer’s block. I gave the gift of time to the Standing Committee by canceling our meeting on December 20th so I have nothing to report on there. We have been working on many tasks behind the scenes so there will be much to report in the coming weeks.

This month has been filled with all our traditional services and events: Music Sunday, The Paper Bag Pageant, the Mitten Tree, WUSYG/JUSYG Holiday Party fundraiser, Solstice Service, and finally our two Christmas Eve Services. I want to acknowledge and express gratitude and appreciation to the staff for their tireless efforts in making these things happen. John, for his Ministry of Music and leadership of the choir and the soloists who provide their talents and voices in support of the choir. Brenna, Alison, and Brady for their passion for and commitment to our children and young people. Richard and Jenny for the day-to-day activities of keeping the church running smoothly. Joe, Mike and Mike, our sextons, for all the set up and breakdowns of activities and keeping our building safe, clean, and in tip top condition. Last but not least, Reverend Heather, who provides thoughtful and insightful worship services and keeps things running like a well-oiled machine during this busy time!

Thank you also to the entire congregation for all you do and without whom there would be no reason for the season!

I’m looking forward to 2024 with hope and anticipation of exciting things to come!

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU

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