News Highlights

Charting your Congregation’s Pathway to Net Zero

Did you know Massachusetts has established the goal to emit net zero carbon emissions by 2050? This is an ambitious goal for the state — and for houses of worship. You can take pride that Winchester Unitarian Society is among the houses of worship that are already discussing how to chart a sensible, realistic pathway to this goal!

I’m delighted that WUS will be hosting an upcoming program I am helping organize as part of community ministry at Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light on just this topic!

“Charting your Congregation’s Pathway to Net Zero” will take place on Sunday, November 5th, from 2-3:30 pm, in the Sanctuary at WUS and with plans to stream via Livestream. This will be a good introduction to the nuts and bolts involved, as well as the relational and logistical dynamics to consider, for houses of worship to implement ambitious plans successfully. No technical expertise needed!

This workshop will feature a panel discussion with three houses of worship that have taken significant steps in creating their net zero plan. They will present their approach and address questions such as:

· What steps do you take to build support for this goal in the congregation?

· How do you identify and prioritize a range of carbon emission reduction actions?

·   What kind of technical and cost evaluation actions are needed?

A moderated question & answer session will follow.

Pre-registration suggested, at

I hope to see you there!

With gratitude,

Rev. Cindy Davidson, Affiliated Community Minister

To download the WUS Environmental Stewardship Assessment, click HERE

Winchester UU

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Winchester UU
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