Sunday, December 16th
Pageant: We celebrate the traditional Nativity story through a no-rehearsal, all-ages Pageant. (As this service will be religious education for the morning, there will be no Family Worship or Religious Education activities.) 10:30 AM, Sanctuary.
A community Potluck follows immediately after worship in Metcalf Hall so bring your appetite and a dish to share! During the potluck, we will enjoy a sing-a-long of Christmas carols.
December 16th is the day to drop off your Mitten Tree gift.
Gift Wrapping: Bring all your holiday presents – Mitten Tree and personal – toWUS and let the youth group (WUSYG) take care of the rest! Find our station of happy helpers in Metcalf Hall before the pageant service and we’ll have them ready for you when you come down for the potluck! Or, bring them anytime from 11:30-4:30 and we’ll have them ready to pick up from 6:30-7 or anytime during business hours in the office that week. Suggested donations: $1 for small stocking stuffers, $3 for most gifts, $5 for extra-large, or $20 for all of your gifts. Donations will subsidize costs for youth to go on our climate justice-focused service trip to Ferry Beach, Maine this April.
Friday, December 21st
Solstice Ritual: Gather together on the longest night of the year for an earth-centered celebration of the Solstice. All ages welcome. Metcalf Hall, 6:30 PM.
Caroling: After the Solstice ritual, we will travel a mobility-friendly route through downtown Winchester and sing songs of the season. Meet in the parking lot outside of Metcalf Hall at 7:30 PM.
Sunday, December 23rd
Family Worship: “Advent Blessings” 10:00 AM, Chapel.
“Celebrating the Sacred Dark”: We honor the long nights of the season with a meditative service including poetry, reflective music and silence. 10:30 AM, Sanctuary.Monday, December 24thChristmas Eve
4:00 PM: A service ideal for families with young children and those with an inner child!
7:00 PM: A service of Lessons, Carols and Light
Sunday, December 30th
“Everything is Fine!”: We conclude this month centered on Mystery by exploring ideas of the afterlife raised by the television program “The Good Place.”
Sunday, January 6th
“Wild and Precious”: As is our annual tradition, three WUS members, representing different generations, answer Mary Oliver’s question “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Wishing each and all a wonderful holiday season!