Fight against “public charge” & the latest attack against immigrant families by 12/8

UU Mass Action is working on this issue in collaboration with Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Coalition (MIRA)

The Trump administration wants to slam the door on working-class immigrants by subjecting anyone who earns less than 250% of the federal poverty line (FPL)($62,750 for a family of 4) to intense scrutiny, and effectively excluding anyone below 125% of the FPL ($31,375 for a family of 4). Immigrants applying for a green card or visa could be deemed to be a “public charge” and turned away from a wide range of public programs for working families.

Action: You can help prevent this new act of cruelty. MIRA has created tools to help us create a public comment, which they will submit. The comments must be original in order to be counted, which is why we are not asking for people to sign onto a form letter.