Summer Minister Deborah Morgan Bennett

The Standing Committee and Rev. Heather are delighted to announce that former Intern Minister and last year’s Summer Minister Deborah Morgan Bennett will be returning to serve as Summer Minister again! She will work part-time while Rev. Heather is away on vacation and study leave in July and August, preaching occasionally, supporting the other summer services and providing pastoral care. Deborah writes:
Dear Members and Friends of the Winchester Unitarian Society,
I am thrilled to be able to join you once again as your summer minister! I look forward to worshipping in your beautiful sanctuary and supporting those of you who will be sharing your hearts and minds as summer service leaders and worship associates. In addition to our time together on Sunday mornings I will be available Sunday afternoons and during the day on Mondays for pastoral care or spiritual support.
In addition am also hoping to be able to support you in a summer service project – yet to be determined. If you have any ideas about potential projects or have any other input in how I could be of service while I am with you, please